Thursday, September 15, 2016

Student of the Month Interview (UPDATED)

  1. Why do you think you got student of the month?
  2. Do you think you deserve this? why?
  3. Were you awarded with anything?
  4. What do you think you did to get this award?
  5. Are you required to do anything as student of the year?
  6. Is this award celebrated?
  7. How does this student behave in class?
  8. Why does this student deserve this award?
  9. What do you like about this student?
  10. How do you qualify to get student of the month?
  11. What is the best part of being student of the month?
  12. Will and where would this award be displayed?
  13. Is it specific to a grade?
  14. Any advise?
  15. Are there any benefits?
  16. Who decides who gets the award?
  17. What did you feel/think when you got this award?
  18. What do your parents this of this?
  19. Did you even try to get student of the month?
  20. Are you recognized in the halls

  1. Because I worked hard
  2. Yes. I worked hard
  3. I was awarded with a party
  4. I worked hard
  5. to keep my grade up
  6. yea, with a party
  7. good
  8. they worked hard
  9. they are nice
  10. working hard
  11. the party. It was lit
  12. the cafeteria
  13. No
  14. work hard
  15. party
  16. The student board
  17. I'm so happy I got this award
  18. Happy I worked hard
  19. yes
  20. no

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