Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Lede

who-Ellie Coulston, freshman
what-The student of the month
when- end of this month (september 25)
where- gym at  bowie high school
why-they worked hard
how-the student board voted for it


On September 25, Ellie Coulston, a freshman at Bowie High School was awarded with Student Of the Month by the student board at the Bowie Gymnasium for working hard at class. (31)

"I'm so happy I got this award," Bowie Freshman, Ellie Coulston said.

5 Of her teachers nominated her due to her behavior in class.

"They did all classwork and homework and studied," said Algebra teacher, Jason Kramer said.

The student board chooses which student gets the "Student Of The Year"

"I chose Ellie because she did the best this month," Student board member, Bob Bobbert said. She is a good example for people who want to strive to be next months student of the year

If you want to be next months student of the month you're going to have to get good grades and do all your classwork.

"They worked every class and did all they're work," Biology teacher, Renee Keyes said

Students get awarded with random things the student board decides what the reward is based on what the student likes.

"I was rewarded with a party," Coulston said. "It was lit."


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