Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CE #2.4

1. What is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma, according to the story on page A3 "Oklahoma earthquake damages 40-50 buildings"
Underground injections of wastewater left over from gas and oil production.

2. Why are open-record laws so important? Page B1 "Greyhound data now...."
It is the basic tool for journalists.

3. What was so interesting about a judge and her friend rescuing two boys from a fire? Page B1 "Bastrop judge...."
The "parents" left the car without saving their kids.

4. What is Lance Armstrong's objective with his new podcast "The Forward." Page C1 "With podcast Armstrong..." DO NOT WRITE "to recycle his image" be more specific.
For Armstrong, it’s also a new beginning. He calls the podcast “a gentle step out,” and it’s his first big public initiative since scandal upended his life. Even the podcast’s name — “The Forward” — evokes the idea that after a difficult few years, Armstrong is trying to focus on what’s in front of him.

5. What movie do you want to see? Page D2 "Doctor Strange conquers...."
Doctor Strange

oday is election day, a fitting end to this six week cycle of current events quizzes.

1. Who do you think will win today's election?
2. What impact will that decision have on America?
3. What impact will that decision have on YOU?
4. If the race is close, do you think there could be a pro-acted decision, meaning that the courts may get involved?
5. What impact would that have on the decision-making process?
6. Should the president of the US be based on a popular vote, or our current process with the electoral college? WHY?
7. Do you see a future where there are more parties represented than just democratic and republican?
8. Are you concerned about who the next president will be? WHY?
9. Will you stay up and watch the election process?

I think Hillary will win the election. I care little about politics so i don't really know their polices. I don't think it will get that close. if it was to happen because most of congress is republicans, they would most likely choose Donald Trump. It should be popular vote because it should be the people who picks the new president. Because the government could be corrupt or the election could be rigged. I don't think there would be more parties. i'll be concerned if Trump wins. No. I care little about politics. I'll just ask my parents.

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