Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Free Write

Schasten Harroc was born into a common family with a brother named George. His father was the town blacksmith and his mother was a traveling merchant. One day this mother went on a long business trip but never came home. She was ambushed by bandits on her way to the other town. She was murdered and left by the side of the road to rot while the bandits steal her cart and ride away with all her wares. Her body was never found or recovered and Schasten and his family never found out what happened to her. After that day Schastens family started to loss money. To prevent poverty, his father sent them both to the Temple of Val’kodan. It was a school taught  by monks. But they didn’t learn how to read or write. They learned magic and fighting styles.
George decided to go the holy path of magic and chose to be a paladin and serve Bahamut. Schasten chose the more chaotic side and chose to train to be an assassin. He learned how to execute without an trace of his existence. But, he thought he needed to learn more. So he asked the monks if he could learn about shadow magic. None of the monks knew shadow magic because of it evil and deranged origin. The monks said that he could but to keep it under control. Schasten did keep it under control for a very long time. He was able to pick up multiple items including 40 daggers at once. He conjured an cloak entirely made of shadows. George grew strong and very powerful and ever time there was a duel he would win. George, even though strong and intimidating. Had a kind heart and cared for all the people in the temple. Schasten was an outcast amongst everyone in the temple. Even his brother wouldn’t talk to him. His neglection  and the shadow magic started to take over his mental state. He became inside and started to speak to himself. He grew deranged to the point when people even tried to talk to him, he would yell at them and threaten to kill them. Once he almost did. We grew to have two personalities. One was a more calm and collect side of his and the other was the more evil side. The side that scared everyone away and caused him to be more of an outcast. His deranged side of conjured sick and evil looking skull. Finally, the magic was too much to handle and the shadow started to take over his entire body. It ate away at his flesh and his mental state. After this horrifying transformation his entire body was engulfed in a wave of shadows. His entire body was a shadow. The only thing that was visible on his leather armor. Which was also black.
It came to the day that he would duel his brother. He hid his face which his face so that the people of the temple wouldn’t see what has happened to him. Schasten walks onto the arena to see George is waiting there on the other side.
“Don’t think i will hold back just because you’re my brother!” George yells towards his Schasten.
Schasten replies in a dark, evil, raspy voice, “Ha ha… I don't intend to ether. What i do intend to do is to… DESTROY YOU!” Schasten pulls out his rapier and rushes George. George wasn’t fully ready so was unable to completely parry the attack and gets skimmed in the arm. He grabs his great sword and slams it down towards Schasten but Schasten fazzes apart and reforms behind George. Schasten looks at his body and remembers that he too is a shadow. So now he can mold his body to any shape. The spectators gasp to see that his entire body turned into a black fog. Schasten steps back and starts to lift up the shadows. Finally the entire arena was dark and no one but Schasten could see. Schasten pulls out the 40 daggers lined throughout his body and makes them hover for a while. The shadows go back down and everyone can see once a again to see that Schasten doesn't have a hood on anylonger and can see that his entire head in shadowy figure. The daggers fly towards George but everything freeses. Schasten looks and sees the monks used a spell to freese everything. Another monk starts chanting and then Schasten starts feeling a large pain and see’s his magic is being pulled from his body. He blanks out. He wakes up in the forest and knows nothing that happened. He stands up and walks deep into the forest, plotting revenge.

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