Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CE #3.3

Short answer
  1. 62
  2. Don't read fake news. Just because a article says you're attractive to the opposite sex doesn't mean you are
  3. Merry Christmas Bill (House Bill 308), which requires that a display not encourage adherence to a particular religion.
  4. Whole Foods’ shares have been on the Nasdaq-100 index since 2002, but the past few years have been a challenge for the organic foods retailer. Whole Foods’ stock “has been under pressure due to stiff competition, food price deflation, an aggressive promotional environment and waning store traffic,” according to an note issued Monday by Zacks Equity Research.
  5. “Considering yoga is a spiritual process and ‘Harry Potter,’ of course, deals with magic, there are a lot of similarities between these two phenomenons,” Beltran said. “First off, in the sense that the wizards and yogis approach their practices mindfully and with an equal focus on hard work and ease. We do this through using our internal yogi magic, which is essentially our breath,” called “prana,” or life force.

Long Answer

Thursday, December 8, 2016

peer review

  1. Jim Connally, Babs Connally, Chris Connally 

  2. 21
  3. 1272

  4. 3
  5. “When I first went to work at camp tyler I was not quite as big around as I am now but close, but I was also only five feet nine inches tall, the director that I worked with was named Jim Dudley and he was seven foot, if you’ve been to the camp you’d noticed how all the doors are  they were designed to fit that Jim. But so when you got two guys standing together and one of them is not even six foot and the other is seven foot well it doesn’t make any difference that one of them is big and round and the other is tall and thin, The tall one gets to be the big Jim and the short one gets to be the little Jim even after he retired it had become an ingrained names, you get these names and they stick with you,”
  6. Beginning
  8. Someone from the camp
  9. It's objective

  10. 85%

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

CE 3.2

  1. Ben Carson, Nikki Haley, Steve Mnuchin
  2. he policy change revolved primarily around a new intake form that asked arriving prisoners additional and more pointed questions to determine who should receive closer supervision and a more in-depth assessment by mental health professionals
  3. they make mobile award software
  4. Baker mayfield, Deshaun Watson, Jabrill Peppers, Lamar Jackson
  5. Lodging, Meteor Shower


The story takes place in Colorado City, Texas. The Victory was Iraan advancing to State semifinals. And the tragedy was the bus crashed and people got injured and one died. I had no opinion of this piece. At the second paragraph they spoke in first person. And that is also something you are not to do when writing a feature story. They probably did. if if they missed it they are not doing their job correctly

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

CE 3.1

Short Answer
  1. eleven. one critically
  2.  xenophobia: fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.'
  3. Saenz said he believes that the board members, who he says are intentionally refusing to address the issue of restroom accommodation policy for transgender students, are failing to fulfill their duty of carrying out what the public wants and that the matter should be put to a public vote.
  4. Immediate Family
  5. Video Walkitalky  

Long anser

I don't think cutting relations with Cuba was a good idea at all. Negotiation between both of them will cease and both sides will take a hit from this. I would be interested in visiting cube. Ive heard many great things from people including some relatives whom have been there. And the travel industry has the new relationship.  

Free Write

Schasten Harroc was born into a common family with a brother named George. His father was the town blacksmith and his mother was a traveling merchant. One day this mother went on a long business trip but never came home. She was ambushed by bandits on her way to the other town. She was murdered and left by the side of the road to rot while the bandits steal her cart and ride away with all her wares. Her body was never found or recovered and Schasten and his family never found out what happened to her. After that day Schastens family started to loss money. To prevent poverty, his father sent them both to the Temple of Val’kodan. It was a school taught  by monks. But they didn’t learn how to read or write. They learned magic and fighting styles.
George decided to go the holy path of magic and chose to be a paladin and serve Bahamut. Schasten chose the more chaotic side and chose to train to be an assassin. He learned how to execute without an trace of his existence. But, he thought he needed to learn more. So he asked the monks if he could learn about shadow magic. None of the monks knew shadow magic because of it evil and deranged origin. The monks said that he could but to keep it under control. Schasten did keep it under control for a very long time. He was able to pick up multiple items including 40 daggers at once. He conjured an cloak entirely made of shadows. George grew strong and very powerful and ever time there was a duel he would win. George, even though strong and intimidating. Had a kind heart and cared for all the people in the temple. Schasten was an outcast amongst everyone in the temple. Even his brother wouldn’t talk to him. His neglection  and the shadow magic started to take over his mental state. He became inside and started to speak to himself. He grew deranged to the point when people even tried to talk to him, he would yell at them and threaten to kill them. Once he almost did. We grew to have two personalities. One was a more calm and collect side of his and the other was the more evil side. The side that scared everyone away and caused him to be more of an outcast. His deranged side of conjured sick and evil looking skull. Finally, the magic was too much to handle and the shadow started to take over his entire body. It ate away at his flesh and his mental state. After this horrifying transformation his entire body was engulfed in a wave of shadows. His entire body was a shadow. The only thing that was visible on his leather armor. Which was also black.
It came to the day that he would duel his brother. He hid his face which his face so that the people of the temple wouldn’t see what has happened to him. Schasten walks onto the arena to see George is waiting there on the other side.
“Don’t think i will hold back just because you’re my brother!” George yells towards his Schasten.
Schasten replies in a dark, evil, raspy voice, “Ha ha… I don't intend to ether. What i do intend to do is to… DESTROY YOU!” Schasten pulls out his rapier and rushes George. George wasn’t fully ready so was unable to completely parry the attack and gets skimmed in the arm. He grabs his great sword and slams it down towards Schasten but Schasten fazzes apart and reforms behind George. Schasten looks at his body and remembers that he too is a shadow. So now he can mold his body to any shape. The spectators gasp to see that his entire body turned into a black fog. Schasten steps back and starts to lift up the shadows. Finally the entire arena was dark and no one but Schasten could see. Schasten pulls out the 40 daggers lined throughout his body and makes them hover for a while. The shadows go back down and everyone can see once a again to see that Schasten doesn't have a hood on anylonger and can see that his entire head in shadowy figure. The daggers fly towards George but everything freeses. Schasten looks and sees the monks used a spell to freese everything. Another monk starts chanting and then Schasten starts feeling a large pain and see’s his magic is being pulled from his body. He blanks out. He wakes up in the forest and knows nothing that happened. He stands up and walks deep into the forest, plotting revenge.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lone Star Issue #2

News - Tech teacher passes away from cancer

- Around the end of September, Bowie lost their Technical Theatre Teacher Robert Gomez from a courageous fight with cancer. Gomez wasn't just a teacher. He was a great friend and an inspiration.

Commentary- Bottle Flipping trend should not be common at school

- The bottle flipping trend should not be a trend to be at school. It is an annoyance and lunch should be a time to work on homework or socialize with friends.

Feature - Life skills stud ends fold towels for real world job experience

- The project allows students to join a three year program to get work and social experiences. The program influences students to use their money correctly

Entertainment - Band education uncovers a freshman's musical passion

- for a passion project, Cedar Speice decided to compose a musical piece. Cedar also makes bassoon reeds

Athletics - Taking a stab at something new

- Clarisse Burns is a junior who has recently started fencing at the Austin Fencers Club. As a beginner she isn't entirely good but with practice she will improve.

Reviews - Lady Gaga Stuns fans with her new album.

- If you listened to Lady Gaga's New album, Joanne, you would have thought it was country at the start.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Feature Story Questions

**Personality — A profile of an unusual or outstanding person.
News feature — an up-close angle on a recent news story.
**Human Interest — stories with a heartwarming twist, drama or a unique turn on human lives.
**Occasional pieces — based on holidays or special events, yet taking a unfamiliar slant.
**Historical feature — story based on a current event or person that has a unique connection to the past.
Informative feature — a story based on information your readers need to know.
**First-hand experience — a story based on the first hand account of a unique experience.
Consumer report — a story based on the investigation of a product or service.
Background feature — a story that gives readers an insider or a “behind the scenes” account of a person or event.
**These would be great for your stories

Unlimited Subject Possibilities
Could be about history, hobbies, unusual situations.
Often describes the mood of an event.
About anything that people are interested in.
A story on my father. Was a protester against the Vietnam war. Was the cause of the disruption of a major meeting. Was on the news and was on a political comic. 
I will be interviewing him during thanksgiving break because we're both busy until then. Will lost likely interview on Friday of thanksgiving.
I will ask when it happened and researched about the subject online and implement more information do the subject.
I will add questions as time comes.
~Human Interest~

  1. Why did you join the rally? -
  2. Why did you decide to start drumming? -
  3. Did you know that George W. Bush was having a press meeting? -
  4. What were you drumming for? -
  5. Who were you drumming with? -
  6. Where was the rally? -
  7. What was the outcome to your disruption -
  8. How long did you rally for? -
  9. what radio stations/news networks interview/report on the situation

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CE #2.4

1. What is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma, according to the story on page A3 "Oklahoma earthquake damages 40-50 buildings"
Underground injections of wastewater left over from gas and oil production.

2. Why are open-record laws so important? Page B1 "Greyhound data now...."
It is the basic tool for journalists.

3. What was so interesting about a judge and her friend rescuing two boys from a fire? Page B1 "Bastrop judge...."
The "parents" left the car without saving their kids.

4. What is Lance Armstrong's objective with his new podcast "The Forward." Page C1 "With podcast Armstrong..." DO NOT WRITE "to recycle his image" be more specific.
For Armstrong, it’s also a new beginning. He calls the podcast “a gentle step out,” and it’s his first big public initiative since scandal upended his life. Even the podcast’s name — “The Forward” — evokes the idea that after a difficult few years, Armstrong is trying to focus on what’s in front of him.

5. What movie do you want to see? Page D2 "Doctor Strange conquers...."
Doctor Strange

oday is election day, a fitting end to this six week cycle of current events quizzes.

1. Who do you think will win today's election?
2. What impact will that decision have on America?
3. What impact will that decision have on YOU?
4. If the race is close, do you think there could be a pro-acted decision, meaning that the courts may get involved?
5. What impact would that have on the decision-making process?
6. Should the president of the US be based on a popular vote, or our current process with the electoral college? WHY?
7. Do you see a future where there are more parties represented than just democratic and republican?
8. Are you concerned about who the next president will be? WHY?
9. Will you stay up and watch the election process?

I think Hillary will win the election. I care little about politics so i don't really know their polices. I don't think it will get that close. if it was to happen because most of congress is republicans, they would most likely choose Donald Trump. It should be popular vote because it should be the people who picks the new president. Because the government could be corrupt or the election could be rigged. I don't think there would be more parties. i'll be concerned if Trump wins. No. I care little about politics. I'll just ask my parents.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Man Who Played The Violin

Do we perceive beauty?
Do we stop to appreciate it?
Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
Sometimes we expect talent and sometimes we don't
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
We're missing a lot of things at the moment. We're only limited to things that are around us which is not a lot because the world is massive. But then we're missing out on things going on in the universe too. The only way we can learn about other things in the world is using the internet but then you still learning about the event after it happened. Maybe even a day. We don't even know what's happening in our own oceans because we have discovered everything yet. So to sum it all up we are missing out on many things.

Feature Writing Preview

1.It's two Words

  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2/the date at the top
  • 3
  • 3
5. Kevin McLoughlin's boss, Doral Chenoweth III, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino, Patrick Harris
6. "If you don't get him hired, you're fired
7. 33
8. 765
9. It short and talks about the main topic. his voice
10. To make it seem more impactful
11. Yes, but i've read it before
12. I've already heard it but yes, I did
13. We can hear his voice and why he has this voice and what he wants to do with this voice
14. Yes
15. yes 
16. Italicized it

Editorials And Personal Columns

  • New tech Reviews
  • New Media reviews (games, books, movies, tv shows)
  • New fashion trends

I don’t actually read columnists.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Peer Reflection

  1. Addisyn H
  2. Dress Code
  3. "A student being able to wear what they want makes them more confident than being refined to the dress codes limitations. I think that students should not be held to a dress code and they should be able to wear whatever they want to school."
  4. NO
  5. Kinda, Not to a extent. They have some good points but some are a bit far-fetched
  6. NO
  7. 1st

CE #2.3

  1. fire who fails to report all complaints against officers to internal affairs 
  2. it's sometimes cheaper to pay the fine
  3. To earn the micromajor, students must take a total of four courses: at least two dual-credit, dual-enrollment or online courses on a UT-approved list, plus up to two other Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or college courses. Some of the approved courses are already available to area high schools students at little or no cost.
  4. Hamilton, Taylor Swift
  5. BBQ Fest!!


Read the story on Page A1 "Statesman poll gives Trump and edge of 7 points"

Do you think Texas has truly turned purple? Why?

Why do you think the poll did not include the Green Party candidate Jill Stein?

What do you think is the biggest contribution to the shift towards blue that this state is seeing?

How was the poll conducted and who was polled?

Do you think polls like this are generally accurate?
yes. I believe most of the poles are accurate with few mistakes
What were some of the big issues that concerned people polled, according to the story?

Do you agree that those are all important issues?

Which is the most important to you?

CE #2.3

  1. fire who fails to report all complaints against officers to internal affairs 
  2. it's sometimes cheaper to pay the fine
  3. To earn the micromajor, students must take a total of four courses: at least two dual-credit, dual-enrollment or online courses on a UT-approved list, plus up to two other Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or college courses. Some of the approved courses are already available to area high schools students at little or no cost.
  4. Hamilton, Taylor Swift
  5. BBQ Fest!!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Car Accident Story

On Friday, September 30th, Two Vehicles Collided at the intersection at First Street and Slaughter at 4:45 but the paramedics came 15 minutes later. 3 people had to be taken to the hospital.

"I was just walking down the road and turned around and saw these two cars crash into each other," bystander, Jimmy Lengo said. "It knocked me off my feet."

Roger, A 13 year old kid was sent to the hospital for minor cuts to the face and was released.

"Glass shards seems to be the reasons of Rogers cuts. We had to stitch some but the reset was just patched up with bandaids," Dell Doctor, James Sammie said.

John Jacob Jinglehimer-Smith, Who was 91 years-old suffered with major head injuries and is still in the hospital. His wife, Melba, Only had a bloody nose and was released soon after going to the hospital.

"It seems as if he still hit his head on the steering wheel even with the air bag. He will be here for a while," St. David Doctor, Sammy James said.

Smith was driving a 1989 Yugo FireBelcher. Clemente's care was 1948

News Evaluations - Lone Star Dispatch

Story 1

Who- princible   
what- Getting used to new things such as new principle, schedule, staff, and fit
where- at bowie high
when- this school year
why- ?
how- By changing them...

Summary - 

Story 2

what- donates old uniforms
where- to less fortunate schools
why- so that less fortunate schools have uniforms
how- by donating the old uniforms

Story 3

Who- New/Old Teachers
what- combine different ways of teaching
where- bowie high school
when- ?
why- to strengthen 'experiencia de aprendizaje'
how- combining different ways of teaching

Story 4

Who- NHS & Key Club
what- lend a helping hand
where- at bowie?

Story 5

who-Nikki Vohl
what- lost her life due to brain cancer
where- ?
when- july 24
how- lost her life after a brave battle

Story 6

Who- Harley Fetterman
what- loses life due to leukemia
where- ?
when- ?
why- losing his courageous battle with leukemia
how-by losing the brave battle with leukemia

Monday, October 24, 2016

First Commentary Article


Opinion Writing Preveiw

Changes to schedule causes issues both in school and after school

  1. Ian Miller
  2. changes to schedules cause issues both in school and after school
  3. Unnecessary and unfair
  4. no
  5. no. they had fair points.
  6. no
  7. first person


Epipen costs raises concerns over financial problems.

  1. Maria Demopoulos
  2. Epipen costs raises concerns
  3. prices for epipens are inhumain


1. you can actually put your option in this
2. you can go ham in your writing
3. supports freedom of press


they're are no real need to have photos for your opinion.


School Related Things



Thursday, October 20, 2016

CE #2.2

  1. it happened after some of they techniques were in question
  2. we should execute the right people. not innocent people
  3. Whether any part of the federal transgender guidelines can be reinstated if offending passages are removed.
  4. the plans weren't actually unlimited
  5. prescott, tony romo

long answer response my dude

Open carry and abortion. I feel as if open carry is not as big of a problem as people presume it to be. And abortion should be legal. If they had a baby they don't want or isn't ready for it isn't fair. If they're points on the matter is different it would make it a big deal. Because gun rights is part of the 2nd amendment and not being to abort your child it just wrong.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

C.E Quiz 2.1

  1. 115
  2. Requiring employees to work exclusively for tips, regardless of minimum-wage standards. Paying straight-time wages for overtime hours worked.
  3.  The technology could help utilities identify damaged equipment without sending people to the field.
  4. cotton bowl, dallas texas
  5. "movies at lake park:mulan"


  1. NO
  2. a little bit. If the threat was real maybe but right now care little about it
  3. Yes. Surveillance cameras and open areas make it hard for shooters
  4. As a minor. I was just a threat and probably a joke too.
  5. not really. they're mostly just pranks

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Big Day

who - billy bob the MIV
what - driving to a wedding??????
where - Germany 
when - july 15 2006
why - he's getting married
how - driving his Volkswagen VW jetta to the place


On July 25, 2006 at Germany, a man named Billy Bob the MIV (1004) is driving this car to a wedding. He is driving to a wedding, or his wedding in his car is a 2006 Volkswagen VW jetta. As he speeds down the road the wipes the sweat from his head, showing that he is very nervous.  He runs into many different obstacles like a slow truck and a really long train. As the train drives by he screams probably cursed a word not to be said. 

The Bride and her Brides Maids Get ready for the big day. She looks out the window in a dramatic matter as if she's waiting for someone. A old man waits on a chair. looking at the bride. Billy Bob looks at his watch and his face looks as if he got injected with a gallon of stress

When Billy Bob makes it to the church. He runs is and sees that the wedding has started. And then they stare at each other like a western show off with the "wa wa waaaaa:" music playing. Then the lady takes a double take. The Groom looks at Billy Bob. His name is Billy Bob Junior. He is Billy Bobs Step Son. He looks back at the Bride. The Bride looks SUPER dramatically at Billy Bob.

The End

Part 2 coming to stores never


CE 1.4

  1. Austin - 6% Surrounding Cities - 7%
  2. $9,589
  3. lock car and take keys - don't leave valuable items in plain site
  4. placed on injured reserve
  5. wearing sunglasses, flower crowns


  1.  families from the 9/11 attack can sue saudi arabia
  2. first successful override of his presidency
  3. "devastating to department of defense" - "the consequences could be equally significant for our foreign affairs and intelligence communities."
  4. They shouldn't sue another country but other families. the government should be able to sue them
  5. well. the judge will have to be from a different country so that they dont favor a side

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Lede

who-Ellie Coulston, freshman
what-The student of the month
when- end of this month (september 25)
where- gym at  bowie high school
why-they worked hard
how-the student board voted for it


On September 25, Ellie Coulston, a freshman at Bowie High School was awarded with Student Of the Month by the student board at the Bowie Gymnasium for working hard at class. (31)

"I'm so happy I got this award," Bowie Freshman, Ellie Coulston said.

5 Of her teachers nominated her due to her behavior in class.

"They did all classwork and homework and studied," said Algebra teacher, Jason Kramer said.

The student board chooses which student gets the "Student Of The Year"

"I chose Ellie because she did the best this month," Student board member, Bob Bobbert said. She is a good example for people who want to strive to be next months student of the year

If you want to be next months student of the month you're going to have to get good grades and do all your classwork.

"They worked every class and did all they're work," Biology teacher, Renee Keyes said

Students get awarded with random things the student board decides what the reward is based on what the student likes.

"I was rewarded with a party," Coulston said. "It was lit."


Inverted Pyramid

Inverted Pyramid

Friday, September 16, 2016

CE# 1.3

  1. 1.9 million
  2. 3.7 billion

  3. (25-9)
  4. Riding, Fitness, Walking

Long Answer Response

  • it makes the race "close"
  • people are changing their minds
  • It isn't close at all, you can eliminate about 1 person right now.
  • I wouldn't vote, but if i had to i would vote for Hillary Clinton, She had good stands on issues and it would be great to have the first female president 
  • I don't care much about politics but my parents do care so i have some f that on me
  • If the candidate does what they like they will want to vote for them
  • Terrorism,
  • He over looks them and makes sure they happen (if congress approves)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Additional Student Of The Month Questions

  1. Why does this student deserve this award
  2. What did this student do to deserve this award
  3. Who got the award
  4. how did you decide who the award goes to
  5. how does one qualify to be student of the month 

  1. They were an overall great student
  2. did all classwork and homework, and studied
  3. Bob Bobbert
  4. I chose the student who did the best in school that month
  5. do there classwork


Student of the Month Interview (UPDATED)

  1. Why do you think you got student of the month?
  2. Do you think you deserve this? why?
  3. Were you awarded with anything?
  4. What do you think you did to get this award?
  5. Are you required to do anything as student of the year?
  6. Is this award celebrated?
  7. How does this student behave in class?
  8. Why does this student deserve this award?
  9. What do you like about this student?
  10. How do you qualify to get student of the month?
  11. What is the best part of being student of the month?
  12. Will and where would this award be displayed?
  13. Is it specific to a grade?
  14. Any advise?
  15. Are there any benefits?
  16. Who decides who gets the award?
  17. What did you feel/think when you got this award?
  18. What do your parents this of this?
  19. Did you even try to get student of the month?
  20. Are you recognized in the halls

  1. Because I worked hard
  2. Yes. I worked hard
  3. I was awarded with a party
  4. I worked hard
  5. to keep my grade up
  6. yea, with a party
  7. good
  8. they worked hard
  9. they are nice
  10. working hard
  11. the party. It was lit
  12. the cafeteria
  13. No
  14. work hard
  15. party
  16. The student board
  17. I'm so happy I got this award
  18. Happy I worked hard
  19. yes
  20. no

Interviewing Basics - School Uniforms

  • Principle
  • Administrator
  • Teacher

  1. What do you think about the school uniforms?
  2. Why did you decide to make school uniforms?
  3. How will they be enforced?
  4. Will students have to buy the uniforms? If so how much and where can they get them
  5. Are there any pros?
  6. Any Cons?
  7. Is they style the same for males and females?
  8. What are the punishments if any if they don't wear the school uniforms
  9. Do you think this is a good idea? why or why not?
  10. Will the teachers have a school uniform too?
  11. What are they styles of the clothes.
  12. Will you be adding more things to the dress code?
  13. What do you think they students will think of this?
  14. What will you do if the students/parents protest against the school unform?
  15. Will they be different styles/colors for students?
  16. Would students have any word in this?
  17. Would there be any occasions where students didn't have to wear the uniforms
  18. Who would this affect the most and why?  
  19. what will the uniform include?
  20. Would you get suggestions?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Current Events #1.2

1. Voters rejected a 2013 bond measure that provided 12million for the school

2. fatally injured in a car crash while escorting a funeral procession

3. more than 100

4. No more headphone jack

5.  realale oktoberfest

6. the pros are that its mobile and it doesn't cost as much, but the cons are that theres not a lot of room. the price range is 6K to 59K. I would not want a tiny house, i would have no space to do alot of things and i would have a place to put my computer.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

News Ethics


About a month till release, 10 songs from the album from The Ting Tings, "Sounds Nowheresville" was leaked while the Rolling Stones and Billboard, 2 Magazine Company who report on breaking music news, linked the website that had the leaked songs. Which has "illegal" content on the website.

This is a bad thing to do, not only they are supporting "leaking content" but they're technically leaking it too, which is illegal and they could be sued by The Ting Tings.

Reigning on the Parade

Frank Whelan took part in a gay rights moment while his newspaper prohibits staff members to take part in public events that favor a cause.

If I owned the Newspaper I would change that policy but if i don't change is and punish him it would be that i would fire him or suspend him for about a week without pay

Cooperating with the Governmentsw

On jan. 18, 2005, 2 inmates armed themselves with homemade weapons and took control of a watchtower while holding 2 hostage. But the Governors office called news executives to not reveal any information about what happened,

They could get sued or shut downed if they do so but they have first amendment rights to do so, So I would disregard their request and release for the people to know.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

News Values

Timeliness : Woman killed by her own dogs


Proximity : UT researchers crack case of how lucy died 3.2 million years ago

 http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/ (Page A1)

Human interest  : Terminally Ill man marries woman of his dreams


Conflict :  15 Philippine Soldiers killed in clashes with Abu Sayyaf Militants


Novelty : Harambe Tribute


Impact : Stray Dog Follows Runner


Friday, August 26, 2016

CE Practice

1. Why did UT remove some markers from campus

Fenves said that the marker is inappropriate fore they're goal for diversity in their campus.

2. What has swimmer Ryan Lockte been charge with?

Lockte was falsely accused of robbery on Thursday over a incident during the Olympics.

3. What is Berndrenik?

Bernd Renik is a graffiti artist whose work is on buildings, rail cars and other targets around the country.

4. Where is Bowie ranked in the Class 6A Centex ratings?

(5. Bowie -16-3)

5. Which of the items covered in the story "Back-to-school gear students will love" would you want to own? 

I wouldn't really want to own any of these things but if i had to i would choose the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive because holding all that storage would be nice. 

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